29 أبريل, 23

african charcoal


African charcoal is also characterized by high quality in terms of rapid ignition and lasts for long hours

As charcoal does not emit any cracks or sparks and does not emit any fumes or smells

Nigerian coal


 Sudanese coal


Somali charcoal
Coal produced in South Africa
Coal produced by Namibia

We manufacture charcoal in our own factories in 6 African countries
We export all products with our factory name
Since we manufacture ourselves
Because all types are issued to the buyer from the country of origin
All types are available in all packing systems to suit all markets
100% charcoal sticks for hookahs (shisha)
Because we have charcoal grills

There is also mixed charcoal and sticks

Thus, all sizes from 5 cm to 20 cm are available as desired by the buyer
The factory also allows delivery of any product to the buyer’s country
You can also request information about charcoal products by contacting us via the following number or WhatsApp
Also, Al-Ghaba Factory and Company for African Coal
Tax registration number 975 – 872 – 449
This is how the terms and conditions apply according to the international trade law
African charcoal, charcoal for grills, charcoal for shisha, charcoal for hookahs, charcoal for heating, Nigerian charcoal, Sudanese charcoal, Somali charcoal, charcoal from South Africa

Charcoal from Namibia, Egyptian charcoal, Nigerian charcoal, Sudanese charcoal, Somali charcoal, South African charcoal, Namibian charcoal, barbecue charcoal, barbecue charcoal, hookah charcoal, hookah charcoal

Hookah charcoal, hookah charcoal, hookah charcoal, hookah charcoal, Sudanese acacia charcoal, Sudanese acacia charcoal, Sudanese acacia charcoal, Sudanese acacia charcoal, red acacia charcoal, Damazine acacia charcoal

Talh Kosti coal, African Sudanese Talh coal, Sudan coal, Sudanese coal, Sudanese coal shipment, Sudanese Talh coal company

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